If that was meant to be an insult about my ability to spell guitar, then it failed miserably... If you were just trying to be funny, then it also failed miserably. :D But seriously, I just spelled it that way for fun because I'm excited about my new GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR
(Also, see "making some guitar-heavy submissions" and "full band with a real guitar" for more information)
do you actually know how to spell "GEEEEEEE TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR"?
LimblessAvenger (Updated )
If that was meant to be an insult about my ability to spell guitar, then it failed miserably... If you were just trying to be funny, then it also failed miserably. :D But seriously, I just spelled it that way for fun because I'm excited about my new GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR
(Also, see "making some guitar-heavy submissions" and "full band with a real guitar" for more information)